

EC2 In this session, we walk through working with EC2 and setting up both private and public instances. We briefly discus ASGs. Video Code Connect with our GitHub organization.

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Dynamo DB In this session, we walk through working with DymamoDB and integrating it with lambda. This session does not have sound. Video Code Connect with our GitHub organization.

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Translation Pipeline

Translation Pipeline The pipeline is in three distinct parts: * Audio input A is transcribed into text output A * Text input A is translated into text output B * Text input B is verbalized into audio output B Actions Each component works in a similar and decoupled manner. Input arrives to an S3 bucket which triggers a Lambda function that uses a niche machine learning service of AWS on that input and places the output in another bucket.

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RDS Database In this session, we walk through setting up an RDS database and connecting with it. Video Code Connect with our GitHub organization.

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Team Splitting

Set up Project Teams Topic Competitive MineSweeper Game Teams Front-end: client side program, using APIs Hosting: Host the website with SSL in a CDN APIs: Create APIs to connect front-end and back-end More teams to follow as we progress throughout the project. Code Connect with our GitHub organization. Joining a team Send an email to

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Lambda in the Console

Lambda in the Console Topic Set up a lambda function and run that function. Includes focus on troubleshooting logs. Future Work Set up using CloudFormation Code Connect with our GitHub organization. Video

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Quickly Host a Website

Static Website Hosting Topic Use Amazon S3 to host a website. Done both in the console and with code. Future Work Set up with a domain name Add SSL Code Connect with our GitHub organization. The code for this session is in our first-web-app repo. Video

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Fall 2018 Info Session

Info Session Introduce the concept of cloud computing Talk about the pros and cons Sign up and get that AWS credit What’s next External Links (in Presentation) Get Added to the Email List Fill out the form at the bottom of our join page and request to be added to the email list in the message. Presentation

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CloudFormation, A Better Way

Topic Using CloudFormation to provision resources. Benefits CloudFormation works built-in to AWS. It handles changes to resources. It is an effective way to manage complex, dependent systems. Similar Resources Terraform by HashiCorp provisions resources in a cleaner looking way. It has additional complexities, including having to maintain a state file. Video

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Lambda GitHub Integration

Introduction to Using Lambda Operation When the GitHub repo with the static website receives a push from master, it automatically updates the website. Lambda Lambda is “serverless” compute. It allows you to run functions without having to worry about any of the provisioned hardware. SNS SNS is a Amazon’s Simple Notification Service. This will be push events from GitHub to the Lambda function. Video

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