
Translation Pipeline

Translation Pipeline The pipeline is in three distinct parts: * Audio input A is transcribed into text output A * Text input A is translated into text output B * Text input B is verbalized into audio output B Actions Each component works in a similar and decoupled manner. Input arrives to an S3 bucket which triggers a Lambda function that uses a niche machine learning service of AWS on that input and places the output in another bucket.

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Quickly Host a Website

Static Website Hosting Topic Use Amazon S3 to host a website. Done both in the console and with code. Future Work Set up with a domain name Add SSL Code Connect with our GitHub organization. The code for this session is in our first-web-app repo. Video

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Static S3 Hosting Programmatically

Hosting a Website with Code Topic Using Amazon’s static storage service (S3) to host a website. Doing so programmatically, so the process can be automated. Further Instruction Add SSL certs to the website (so it can be accessed using HTTPS).

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Static S3 Hosting via Console

Hosting a website Topic Using Amazon’s static storage service (S3) to host a website. The console is used as a guide. Further Instruction Repeating the same steps programmatically. Video

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